The time is 6:50 in the morning. Still sleepy eyes glaring at the computer monitor and weary fingers typing at the keyboard. On the table are two cofee mugs, one is for cold water and another is for hot chocolate. Ahh, such is life in the cubicle. Sometimes, I do wonder if I am really happy in this kind of work, if I will be dong this for the rest my miserable life, If I will be able to get out from this Heaven(?). Ahh the expletives of a rating fool. Maybe I just woke up from the wrong side of the bed, maybe I'm just kind of overreacting due to unfinished work units. mabe I'm just longing for the little sleeping time which this work has stolen from me. Maybe yes or maybe not. But in this situation, there's not much really options, all I have is a hobson's choice. A sad fact indeed. Sometimes of more oftenly I do wish for things, like If only I have this and that. If only this were this and that. Man, I do wish for a lot of things. But like what they say. Wishes are for weak men, stronger one do something about it. I think this will have to do for my rantings today. Maybe I'll feel a little better later this day, maybe it'll get worse. I sure hope not. But whatever happens GOD, please help through the day
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