Saturday, February 09, 2008

Uniquely Singapore

Annnnd for our big headline today, an Orangutan has died in the zoo. Yes, Ladies and not-so Gentlemen, you heard it right. An Orangutan has died! Oh the horror! Oh the humanity! err.. Oh the Primate.

Life here in the small city state of Singapurah is pretty much uneventful. It's the same old thing happening over and over again. Sometimes it gets to you, like that upteenth serving of fastfood junk, and makes you wanna throw up oredi. No wonder even the locals wanna move out. But for us, OFWs there isn't much choice but take it all in. It's either embrace the life or "moved out, you, job stealing foreign worker" as one hawker auntie puts it. The noobs had it coming, but for veterans, well, when in Singapore, do as the Romans do. ehek!

Being here for quite some time now, it came as a little or no surprise at all, that a simian's face has graced, nay, TOOK the front page of the weekend broadsheet. Well, what did the Orangutan do? Nothing. Just died that's all. WTH?! I mean, I'm pretty much used to SG's "exciting" events/happenings but this definitely took it to a new level. After reading about Ah Meng (the Orangutan's name) death, and wiki'd about this frontpage hugger, I'm convinced that her celerbrity status is justified. (And behaving like a true celebrity, she even had a sex scandal to her belt. Now whaddaya know, a Paris Hilton of the Primate world: NSFW! Don't open! Especially if your boss is a monkey, you have been warned.)

Okay, she might have deserved to be in the news. But please, does she have to be on the frontpage? Or Does her face need to occupy most of it? Do you have nothing else to report?

Local: Yaloh, it's better than Philippines headlines lah.
Me: What about it? (::looks and finds ZTE scandal,congress chaos, corruption, murder, robbery)
Me: (::smacks head)
Local: So?
Me: Touche my Singaporean friend. Touche. (::tameme)

Good point. I rather be reading animal obituaries, than suffer the idiotry of RP's political soap opera.


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